Wednesday, June 28, 2017

BPI Mobilization Plan - Examples

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BPI Mobilization Plan - Examples

  1. The following is an example of a detailed project plan for a Business     Process Improvement effort performed for a Public Services client. The detailed project plan covers an entire BPI effort using the     International BPI methodology. Although this example project plan does not reflect the new names of the BPI methodology, it does provide a good example of the type of information, format, and level of detail included in a comprehensive “Program Book”     (Mobilization and Migration stages).  
  2. For sample work plans incorporating BPI terminology, refer to the beginning of each phase.

IV Our Approach and work plan

In this chapter, we present the key elements of a proposed approach and work plan for conducting this study.  We also provide an estimate for the project schedule.  Our approach builds upon the work already undertaken at the Organisation's, by providing a framework or ‘road map’ that can be followed to uncover and implement innovative solutions to problems that are deeply rooted in an organization’s processes, rules and culture.
Exhibit IV-1, below, illustrates how the groundwork completed by the Council links directly into the key dimensions of the process re-engineering methodology introduced in the previous chapter:
  • The Council’s mission and strategic plan address a majority of the elements required for the Business Direction phase.
  • The ‘as-is’ maps that have been completed for four of the programs provide a detailed and representative overview of how current activities are undertaken within several key program areas. These maps, along with the opportunities for change, will be highly useful and ‘represent the lion’s share’ of the work required in the Scoping and Targeting phase.
  • Of the opportunities for improvement highlighted in the RFP, a number of ‘quick fixes’ lend themselves to immediate action and could be implemented rapidly, in parallel to other project activities. These quick fixes are addressed in Scoping and Targeting and at the beginning of the Process Design phase. They can serve as a     useful change management tool to gather the momentum and buy-in required for overall project success.
As part of its recent change initiatives, the Council has also made a number of changes to its Infrastructure Alignment, through changes to its organizational structure and past policies.
Ourobjective throughout the exercise will be to build upon these initiatives, not to ‘reinvent the wheel’.

Exhibit IV-1

The dimensions of Business Process Improvement

The following paragraphs provide a detailed overview of the work steps we propose to undertake during each phase of the exercise to complement the work already accomplished by the Council.

A. Business Direction

It is our understanding that the Council recently reaffirmed its mission and strategic direction. This initiative is commendable, for the articulation and communication of the future vision of the Organisation's forms an essential departure point for a successful change initiative. Decisions that must be made later on about modifying policies and processes often relate directly back to this future vision.
Our purpose will be to ensure that we have a good understanding of your business direction and to round out certain additional elements that will guide the redesign work. These elements are:
  • Identification of the Council’s various ‘clients’ and stakeholders, their     expectations, as well as those things at which the Council must excel in order to thrive.
  • Confirm and build on ‘stretch’ targets for improvement.
  • Guiding     principles that govern the change initiative.
The declaration of client and stakeholder expectations facilitates the establishment of concrete targets against which the success of the redesign efforts can be measured. Guiding principles bring to light the shared values that will characterize the future way of doing business, laying to rest historical assumptions that could otherwise jeopardize acceptance of the new process.

1. What we will do

Task 1: Meet with the Project Authority to review expectations

We will meet with the Project Authority to ensure we have a clear understanding of the Council's expectations and to discuss co-ordination issues such as:
  • the extent and frequency of progress report meetings
  • supplementary documentation to be reviewed and appropriate sources
  • anticipated communication requirements of staff/stakeholders
  • composition of the Project Management/Core Team
  • composition of the Project Steering Committee.
Based on this discussion, we will refine the project plan to reflect our revised and enhanced understanding of the project scope, issues, schedule and deliverable's as well as the number and availability of participants.  We will revise the draft plan as per agreed Project Authority comments, and submit the final work plan to the Project Authority.

Task 2: Review documents

The documentation provided in the Request for Proposal has provided us with a useful overview of the 'current situation' at the Organisation's.  If available, we hope to supplement our understanding of the Council's current processes by reviewing items such as:
  • documented service standards within each program
  • performance measures (e.g., cycle time, workload volumes)
  • information technology strategic plans and project plans
  • additional applications, data and information models
  • description     of IT management, planning and budgeting processes.
Obtaining this information up-front will reduce the time required to establish a performance baseline during the Scoping and Targeting phase and will give us a better understanding of the existing information technology environment.

Task 3: Meet with the Project Steering Committee

A half-day meeting will be held with selected Organisation's senior managers and members of the Project Steering Committee. This meeting will serve several purposes, namely:
  • To familiarize Committee members with the approach we propose to use.    
  • To confirm the business direction and clearly identify clients/stakeholders, their expectations, critical success factors, "stretch targets", and guiding principles.
  • To identify the technology "parameters" within which the engagement must be conducted and to gain an understanding of all     internal technology-related projects planned or underway.    

Task 4: Draft Business Direction statement

The Consultant will draft a brief (3 to 4 page) business direction statement that reflects the key ideas raised during the meeting. We will rely on the Project Team to circulate this draft to senior management and Committee members for feedback and to clarify any inconsistencies with respondents before providing us with a consolidated version of any corrections that need to be made prior to distribution to Council employees.
The drafting of the Business Direction statement sets the scene for the upcoming process redesign initiative by ensuring that all key players are 'on the same wavelength'.  This step is crucial to avoiding problems downstream as it provides a clear and unambiguous understanding of the future state collectively envisaged by the Council.

Task 5: Assist the Project Team in establishing/revising the change management strategy

Successful change management must start right from the project inception. The Consultant will provide guidance to the Project Team in the development of an appropriate change management strategy for the redesign project. This step will include a discussion of the Council’s past experience with change initiatives as well as the ideal composition of Analysis Teams, Design Teams and Challenge Teams. The Consultant will assist the Project Team in the preparation of a communication plan for the project. In addition, we will guide you in drafting the initial project communique a general ‘Who / What / When / Where / Why / How’ communications document to explain the redesign initiative to all staff.

Task 6 (Optional): Conduct Business Process Re-engineering training session

We often recommend that an organization embarking on a Business Process Re-engineering initiative consider the investment of providing BPI training to personnel that will likely play a key role in the project.  Training will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of BPI principles, concepts and techniques as well as with a common BPI lexicon and approach. In addition, the training will also equip participants with the necessary tools for any future Council improvement initiatives.
The Consultant has a standard two-day BPI training session that can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. All of our team members have extensive experience in conducting BPI training sessions both nationally and internationally.  
  1. What     we will produce

  • Refined work plan and project schedule   
  • Brief BPI overview package for initial meeting with Steering     Committee   
  • Business Direction statement
  • BPI training material (optional).
  1. B. Scoping and Targeting

The Scoping and Targeting phase serves several fundamental purposes:
  • To gain a common understanding of how key processes operate across various segments of the organization.
  • To obtain an understanding of the organization's information technology environment and its capabilities.
  • To identify in broad terms what the key redesign opportunities within these processes may be.
  • To establish a 'baseline' for the current performance against which future performance improvements can be measured (without a     credible baseline, it becomes difficult to assess the degree of success achieved).
We recognize that a significant portion of the work required in the Scoping and Targeting phase has already been completed by the Council. The pre-existing detailed mapping of the current grant decision-making process for four different programs will serve as the basis for this phase. To this, we will endeavour to add key performance-related information such as:
  •     typical 'applied' versus 'elapsed' times for key process steps   
  •     number     of grant applications processed
  •     profile of grant applications processed (e.g., average value, client type   
  •     total level of employee effort dedicated to each process step.
We do not anticipate that it will be necessary to develop process maps for the remaining programs, provided that the Council feels that the existing maps are sufficiently representative of the other programs (i.e., 80% accurate or better).  Indeed our objective during this phase is not to draw 'letter-perfect' diagrams of processes that may soon become obsolete.  Rather, we simply require a common base of understanding to highlight key opportunities, associated constraints, anticipated benefits and 'order of magnitude costs'.  However, we will spend one or two days in discussions and investigations with the other three arts sections to obtain an understanding of the major similarities and differences in their grant decision-making processes.
In this phase, we will begin to investigate and analyze your existing information technology and systems environment.  We will identify your existing information systems and associated systems integration problems.  We will also identify your existing hardware and software base. We will use this information to start to develop an asset management schedule (presented as an option). We will add information to your asset management schedule as the project progresses.  It will be finalized in the infrastructure alignment phase.
The Organisation's cannot afford a major investment in new information technology and systems. You feel that your existing technology infrastructure provides a good base upon which to support future changes. For example, you feel that economical, practical measures can be taken to better integrate existing systems.  Streamlined grant-making processes can be provided without major information technology investments. We understand these concerns and issues, and have reflected them in our work plan.
It is important for the consultants and project team staff to have a good understanding of the organization's information technology and systems environment before redesigning the decision-making processes.  A direct relationship exists between the technology capability and process redesign optionsÑone influences the other.  For example, a new state-of-the-art technological capability may present an attractive "enabler" for change to the current decision-making process.  However, if this technology capability is very expensive, then Council may not want to proceed with it as part of the new redesigned process.  It is important, therefore, to understand the potential future capabilities available through the Council's existing technology base and this understanding be part of the overall process redesign initiative.
As we investigate opportunities for redesign in the Scoping and Targeting phase, we will make recommendations on how your organization can implement immediate changes that result in demonstrable benefits. We refer to these as "quick fixes". We recognize the importance of early successes to build momentum during the change process.
At the end of this phase, a summary of our findings provides the Steering Committee with a 'snapshot' of what potentially lies ahead, allowing them the possibility to 'remove from the table' any options that would ultimately be rejected later on (e.g., proposed solutions that require too steep an investment to implement).

1. What we will do

Task 1: Meet with Project Team for briefing on the Council's existing documentation and analysis of current processes

The Consultant will meet with one or more Project Team members to discuss the problem areas and associated opportunities identified via the Council's mapping and analysis of the current grant decision-making process. This session will provide the consultants with an opportunity to ask questions that will help us gain a clear understanding of the existing process and IT infrastructure across all programs.
Information on the current performance at various stages of the process, where available, will be discussed. If key data required for establishing the baseline are not readily available, the Project Team members will be requested to provide estimates or to undertake a short data collection exercise (refer to Task 3 below).

Task 2: Develop understanding of decision-making processes in arts sections

You have already documented the decision-making processes in four arts sections.  We will use this material to conduct brief investigations of the decision-making processes in the other three remaining arts sections of the Council. This will provide a full appreciation of the scope of similarities and differences among the decision-making processes in all sections of the Council.

Task 3: Gather additional baseline data

We will conduct one-on-one meetings with individuals to gather actual (i.e., already existing) or estimated data on specific performance issues that remain unresolved at the end of the briefing session (as required, the Project Team may be tasked to assist in gathering this information from program colleagues). We will prepare a data collection form to facilitate the information gathering process (i.e., list of questions, compilation table).
At this stage, it may prove useful to consider including in the data gathering exercise a short survey to estimate which activities employees' efforts are dedicated.  This may be done as a mini activity-based costing work step. Such a survey can prove useful in determining the degree to which proposed changes to the grant decision-making process will actually have an impact on the day-to-day workload faced by Council employees.

Task 4 (Optional): Develop IT benchmark study plan

The purpose of this task is to lay out a strategy and a plan that will allow the Organisation's staff to benchmark their current information systems and technology operations with other organizations. Examination of 'best practices' and benchmark information may also provide useful input into the identification of specific re-engineering opportunities during the Process Design phase. A one-day workshop will be conducted with selected information systems staff in order to flesh out the details of the bench-marking strategy and plan.

Task 5: Conduct technology assessment

The purpose of this task is to review, at a high-level, the existing technology that supports the grant decision-making processes. At the end of this task, we must have a clear understanding of the current technology capabilities and how they relate to the project's stretch targets for improvement (identified during the Business Direction phase).
We propose the use of an information management framework, as shown in Exhibit IV-2, to conduct this review. This framework focuses our review on four key areas or domains of your information technology and systems environment:
  • Information: This domain addresses what information is being captured, how the data is being managed, how data is shared, methods of data access currently in use and other data related items.
  • Applications: In this domain we will investigate the application systems currently used to support the decision-making processes, the degree of  integration among these applications, potential use of these applications and their applicability to future enhancement and changes.
  • Technology infrastructure: This domain examines the hardware, systems software, communications and other technology components that comprise the Council's existing     infrastructure.
  • Management:     This domain considers the policies, organization structure, and general management practices and principles that are employed by the Council to oversee its information management environment.

Exhibit IV-2

Information Management Framework

Each domain contains information about the current and future situation, including any issues, risks or constraints that have an effect on the successful redesign of the grant decision-making processes.  This framework will also help to assess opportunities that will lead to the integration of information systems and technology. Information obtained in each domain together with other opportunities described in the RFP will help to identify significant changes that could be implemented immediately.

Task 6: Review list of other opportunities for improvement and identify candidates for process redesign

You identified, as Appendix G in your RFP, a list of potential opportunities for improvements, identified by management and staff of the Council. In this phase we will examine and assess the reliability of each of these opportunities for inclusion in the process redesign phase.  This assessment will be conducted in a workshop session with Organisation's management and staff including, in particular, representatives from your informatics group. This assessment will consider the relative costs and benefits and impacts associated with each opportunity. Consideration will also be given to the time-frame in which each opportunity may be implemented, including potential "quick fixes".

Task 7: Consolidate findings into a succinct report

The findings of the Scoping and Targeting analysis will be consolidated into a 'presentation-style' report to the Steering Committee that will highlight the new information learned during this phase. The initial draft of this document will be circulated to workshop participants and the Project Authority/Management Team for feedback and correction prior to submission to the Steering Committee.  The document will present 'business cases' for key changes as well as a high-level assessment of the information management environment.

Task 8: Develop implementation work packages for any 'quick fixes'

We will develop 'implementation work packages' to organize and support individuals or teams who will be tasked with putting in place rapid solutions already identified by the Council.  The work packages will outline for each "quick fix":
  • what needs to be done
  • resources required
  • estimated time-frame and milestones
  • related     initiatives upon which the "quick fix" may depend (if     any).
We will rely on the Project Steering Committee to assign specific responsibilities for the implementation of "quick fix" initiatives.  The Consultant will provide guidance, if required, to individuals or work teams during the initial set-up of these "quick fixes."

2. What we will produce

  • Presentation-style report of key opportunities (including process performance information, business cases for key opportunities, and technology assessment findings).
  • IT benchmark study plan (optional).
  • "Quick fix" implementation work packages.

C.     Process Design

The Scoping and Targeting phase of any re-engineering exercise serves to highlight preliminary opportunities for redesign. During this phase, we will work with Organisation's staff to map and incorporate these opportunities into a blueprint of the 'ideal future process'.
The design of work processes is conducted in a series of creative, thought provoking and challenging work sessions. All existing assumptions and ways of doing business are challenged. A new process is designed through work simplification/elimination, the application of new computer technologies, and other appropriate re-engineering enablers. The process "Design Team" takes an unconstrained or 'greenfield' approach to design the new process, uninhibited by existing constraints and current ways of grant decision-making.
Members of the design team should be carefully selected on the basis of their positive attitude towards change, their functional expertise/knowledge of pertinent issues, and their commitment to helping the Council implement the changes resulting from this project. The presence of client and stakeholder representatives is also highly desirable.
Exhibit IV-3 highlights a set of 'rules' used during these sessions to ensure that the redesigned process has 'stretched the limits' in terms of uncovering innovative ways to eliminate low-value-added work.

1.     What we will do

Task 1: Conduct design workshops

We will conduct a series of design workshops to map a new grant decision-making process for the Council. While a number of different approaches may be considered, we propose that a single grant decision-making process (from end to end) be redesigned by examining a generic model that is representative of one of the key programs (the program deemed most appropriate to serve as a model could be recommended by the Steering Committee).
Because of the generic nature of this ideal process, the Design Team should include representatives from each of the programs. However, to ensure effective participation, the Design Team should be comprised of a maximum of 12 participants.
We anticipate that the first design workshop will begin with an orientation session to ensure a common understanding of:
  • The BPI methodology/approach   
  • The Council's Business Direction statement and its     implications   
  • Tasks to be performed in the Process Design Phase    
  • Expected outputs of the workshops
  • Tools and techniques to be used during the Process Design workshops.
We estimate for costing purposes that eight half-day workshops will be required to redesign the full grant decision-making process.

Exhibit IV-3

Design Session ‘Rules’

  • liminate redundant and unnecessary work steps. Every work step within the         overall process should add value to achieving the process output. Throughout the process design each step should be examined as to the consequence of its elimination. This will help to determine the value associated with the step.               
  • Look for places to compress or eliminate time from the process. Places where there are wait times or delays are obvious target areas.               
  • Can work steps be performed in parallel instead of sequentially? Computer information systems provide opportunities for the sharing of information enabling work activities to be performed in parallel.           
  • Approach the problem from a new perspective. While it is useful to know how the existing process works, Design Team members should not be     anchored to the old ways of doing things.               
  • Focus more on the "what" and the "why" rather than on the "who, where, and how". In the early stages of the Design Process, the Design Team should concentrate on what work steps should be done and why, as opposed to how, where, etc. Some of these latter questions may need to be addressed as part of the Process Design phase to establish the cost and benefits of opportunities. However, the early focus should be on defining what the business outputs are and what tasks are to be performed to produce those outputs.                            
  • Recognize that business processes cross functional boundaries. Care should         be taken not to unduly limit the scope of the process design by just examining the process tasks within one functional area. Significant improvement is unlikely to result from such a limited scope.                
  • Minimize permanent control functions. Old existing processes are often replete with questionable control points. With the passage of time, the reasons for various control measures become out-dated and obsolete. All control functions should be challenged to     ensure that they provide added value.

Task 2: Document new process design

The results of the design workshops will be documented in a series of detailed  flow diagrams and accompanying text highlighting:
  • work steps carried-out
  • information required, changed, or produced by each work step
  • external  stakeholders involved in the process
  • performance estimates (e.g. time elapsed, costs, etc.) for each process
  • constraints to and risks associated with implementation.

It is important to note that one of the key elements of the newly designed process is the information required to perform each work step.  As each work step is challenged as to its value, so is the information associated with the work step.  By identifying the information required to perform each work step, we begin to formulate the overall information requirements associated with the process.  The information or data models are derivatives of the process modelling exercise.  Also this data becomes the root or source for the development of your Organisation's information model (as discussed in Task 6 on the following page).

Task 3: Co-facilitate 'Challenge Team' meetings

Design team members will be tasked to co-ordinate and facilitate 'Challenge Team' meetings with colleagues from their own programs. The goal of the Challenge Team sessions is to introduce the generic 'ideal process' to each of the programs in order to assess how readily the ideal process could be adopted within each program. The challenge sessions will provide the opportunity to develop 'ownership and buy-in' of the new process.
The Consultant will attend the challenge sessions as co-facilitators and scribes. Challenge Teams will be asked to add only those steps or controls that the group feels are essential back into the simplified generic process. The default assumption is that the generic process will apply as the new process for all programs unless the benefits of modifying the proposed approach can be clearly justified.
We anticipate that 7 three-hour Challenge Team meetings will be required.

Task 4: Revise new process design documentation

The consulting team will draw upon feedback obtained via the Challenge Team meetings to revise the proposed design. Here, it is recognized that there may be a need to revisit the overall process to address widespread concerns. Alternatively, individual program needs might also be addressed by recognizing variations to the 'ideal' process to meet the unique needs of certain programs.

Task 5: Obtain Steering Committee approval of new process design

The new process design will be presented for approval to the Steering Committee.  Any revisions required will be subsequently undertaken.

Task 6: Develop information model

The objective of an information model is to identify the information required to support the business processes.  However, the depth and detail of the information that can be identified may vary . We would like to present to you two options to perform this task.  Depending on your plans and objectives, current technology situation, and the level of detail of information you require, you may choose to have a detailed information model or a high-level one.
To understand the difference between a detailed and a high-level information model, it is important to know that an information model is organized by Subject Areas, Domains, and Entities.  Exhibit IV-4 shows how domains, entities, attributes, and relationships are depicted in an Information Model. The Exhibit also illustrates the level of detail of information that will be provided in each one of the options.
Option 1, or "High-Level" Information Model, will provide you with a  model down to the entity level.  Option 2, or "Detailed" Information Model, will provide you with a model down to the attribute and relationship level.   Examples of Option 1 and Option 2 information models are presented in Appendix B.

Exhibit IV-4

Information Model Components and Options

The information model allows you to envision the work contained in the grant decision-making processes and the data required to implement them.  What makes one different from the other is that option 2 will allow you to identify not only the required data items, their  attributes and relationships, but also the logical application systems needed to support the newly redesigned processes (by creating a CRUD matrix).  Logical application systems and data will be required for any future analysis of application software requisition or development.  The activities in this task ll involve structured interviews/workshops, data analysis, and data modeling.
It is important to recognize at this stage that the information model designed (for both options) will be reflective of the information required in support of the grant decision-making process (i.e., does not extend to include all information needs for all activities across the Council).
  1.      What we will produce

  • New process design report, including:
  • workflow diagrams
  • accompanying text describing new process, highlighting what's new and identifying benefits, as well as costs, constraints and risks to be considered when planning implementation.
  • Information model report, including:
  • Domain (subject areas) databases (options 1 and 2)
  • Subject Areas-relationship diagram (options 1 and 2)
  • Entity-relationship diagram (option 2)
  • Entity attributes (option 2)
  • List of logical Application Systems (option 2)
  • CRUD Matrix (option 2).

D. Infrastructure Alignment

At this stage the new processes will be examined together with their impacts on human resources, policies, information technology (and physical infrastructure, if applicable), in order to determine the major implications of implementation.  

1. What we will do

Task 1: Determine organization and human resource requirements

Past experience in such projects has shown that the failure to adequately address human resource issues tends to be a major cause of failure. Our consulting team will identify, with the assistance of Project Team members and other selected Council members (e.g., HR specialists), the human resource  implications of the redesigned process. We anticipate a number of key issues will need to be addressed prior to moving into full implementation:
  • What adjustments are needed to the organizational structure to best support the new processes?
  • How many staff will be required to support the new business processes?
  • What skills and training are required of staff?
  • What other HR management strategies will be required (e.g., new reward and recognition program).
Options related to these issues will be documented for discussion with the Project Steering Committee.

Task 2: Determine policy-related requirements

We will identify the policy implications of the redesigned process.  More specifically, we will address the following issues:
  • Will changes be required to Organisation's policies and regulations?
  • Does federal or provincial legislation pose a barrier to change?
  • For each policy/legislative change required, what is the specific nature/scope of the change required?
Issues and questions pertaining to each of these areas will be documented for discussion with the Project Steering Committee.  

Task 3: Identify target technology environment

The objective of this dimension is to identify the new technology that will be required to achieve and maintain the newly redesigned business processes. This task will address two of your key result areas: Systems Integration and Technology. The first one by providing solutions to solve the problem of lack of integration among the corporate and arts section systems. The second one, by identifying potential new additions of hardware and software to the base of your current technology.
This task builds upon the assessment that was performed in the Scoping and Targeting, and Process Design phases.  It will follow the information management framework described in the Scoping & Targeting phase. The target technology environment will be based on the previously described application and infrastructure domains.  In this task more detailed investigations will be carried out regarding the current systems and technology used within the organization.
The Process Design phase will likely identify a number of changes regarding the Council's information technology and application environment. In this task, we will assess the impact of the proposed changes on the existing technology and applications. Through discussions with informatics personnel, we will determine the most logical and practical way to incorporate the necessary changes. For example, some changes may best be incorporated through modifications to existing application systems.  In other cases, new hardware may need to be acquired.
The output of this task will describe the new technology and application environment proposed for the organization.  It provides a high level description of the functional, technical and operational capabilities needed to support the new processes. The output will also provide an overall assessment of the impacts of the new technology on the organization, including the existing technology and application architecture and the resource requirements within the informatics group and user environment.

Task 4: Develop IT asset management schedule (optional)

In this task we will work closely with the information technology specialists at Organisation's to construct an asset management schedule. This will involve a number of key steps:
  • Conduct an inventory of the Council's current IT base of hardware and software.  The Consultant will provide a sample data collection table that will identify the minimum level of configuration information about each type and sub-group of asset. It is expected that the Council will gather or provide printouts of this information to The Consultant.  Examples for PCs and for Word Processing are given below:


  • Workstation   

  • Word Processing
  • Spreadsheet
  • Presentation
  • Accounting
  • Other

  • Conduct a survey of users to determine patterns of actual use of software     (and day-to-day needs). The Consultant will design a one-page survey sheet for distribution within the Council (what used and % of use per day). We will then compile and interpret the data received, comparing the aggregate needs of the organization to the current deployment. From this, certain re-deployment observation/ recommendations may be made that would assist the Council in better matching actual needs to allocated equipment.   
  • Develop an asset management schedule and associated recommendations. The Consultant will develop a spreadsheet that identifies for each asset sub-group identified in the inventory above:   
    • Actual or estimated initial acquisition cost
    • Expected life cycle (e.g. 3 years thus due for renewal in XXXX)
    • Proposed replacement product (wherever appropriate)
    • Additional pertinent information relevant to refinancing/resale.   

This would be supplemented by guidance on sound purchasing patterns for hardware and software replacement, as well as general advice on refinancing options for each asset category.

Task 5 (Optional): Determine physical infrastructure requirements

This task would involve assessing whether significant changes are required to your facilities (i.e. where work is performed and the amount of space required) in order to fully implement the new process design.

2. What we will produce

  • An Infrastructure Alignment report including recommendations and assessments on:   
    • Organizational and human resource changes
    • Policy/legislative changes
    • Potential technology enhancements (software and hardware)
    • Technology impacts
    • Systems Integration        
    • Facility changes (optional).
    • IT asset management schedule report (optional).   

E. Implementation Planning and Financing

The objectives of the Implementation Planning and Financing phase are to:
  • Develop a plan that shows how changes will be introduced into the organization in a way which maximizes early results, and minimizes disruption to the organization and its clients.  
  • Outline the expected costs of the projects.
The plan and financial analysis will guide management decisions over the period of transition. The financing component of the plan aggregates and refines the cost/benefit estimates conducted throughout previous phases. This phase could include the development of a migration strategy to the target technology environment.

1.     What we will do

Task 1: Develop implementation work packages

We will develop implementation work packages for each of the impact areas, identifying:
  • objectives
  • work required
  • schedule
  • benefits and costs
  • inter-dependencies with other work packages.
We will provide guidance to the Project Team that will be tasked with the initial establishment of implementation teams for each of the work packages.

Task 2: Group work packages and sequence into implementation stages

The various work packages will be grouped into logical and sequenced stages, taking into consideration all key linkages and dependencies. The implementation stages will be designed to ensure a structured, manageable and successful implementation. Consideration will be given to available resources (staff and budget), business objectives and associated timing, and other constraints and issues that may have been identified throughout the course of the project. In some cases, where appropriate, one or more pilot projects may form part of the implementation strategy. An overall timeline and cost schedule for implementation will be documented.

What we will produce

  • An implementation plan that will serve as a 'transition charter' for the Council and that will include:
    • a series of individual work packages, each of which will provide stand-alone Terms of Reference for the implementation teams
    • an overall timeline and cost schedule for implementation.

F.     Participation of Organisation's staff

As noted in Chapter II, we believe that the participation of Organisation's staff in all facets of this project is very important to its success. In particular, we would like to highlight two key areas for Organisation's staff involvement:
  • The design teams will consist of representatives from management, section heads, officers and staff involved in the decision-making process. They will be involved in both design workshop sessions (equivalent to four full work days) and challenge sessions  (equivalent to three and a half working days).    
  • IMS staff: We expect your informatics staff to be actively involved in two facets of our work programme facilitating our investigation of your information management capabilities and participating in the process design sessions.
Exhibit IV-5 summarizes areas of involvement for Organisation's staff. Please note that across all phases, staff are welcome and encouraged to provide comments and suggestions.

Exhibit IV-5

Organisation's staff involvement

            Organisation's             Participation
Project     Steering Committee and selected senior management
¥ Attend training overview on Business Process Re-engineering methodology
¥ Participate in establishing client expectations, stretch targets and guiding     principles
¥ Review draft Business Direction statement
Project Team
¥ Respond to and consult on Business Direction statement
¥ Develop and implement change management strategy            
Other Council Employees
¥ Provide input and relevant documents to aid Project Team, upon request   
Scoping     & Targeting
Project     Steering Committee and selected senior management       
¥ Review and critique report on additional findings
Project Team
¥ Assist     in gathering additional baseline data            
¥ Review and critique report on additional findings prior to submission to     Committee
¥ Assist     in the development of implementation work packages for 'quick fixes'
Other Council Employees
¥ Participate in data collection activities, upon request
Process Redesign
Project Steering Committee and selected senior management
¥ Approve new process design
Project Team
¥ Participate in design workshops to develop new process design
¥ Facilitate Challenge Team meetings (with assistance from consultants)    
Other Council Employees
¥ Participate in design workshops, upon request, to develop new process design
¥ Participate in Challenge Team meetings to provide feedback on new design
Project Steering Committee and selected senior management
¥ Discuss implications of HR, IT and policy implications raised during this phase
Project Team
¥ Identify and propose HR, IT and policy requirements needed to fit new process
Other Council Employees
¥ Identify and propose HR, IT and policy requirements needed to fit new process, upon request
Implementation     Planning and Financing
Project Steering Committee and selected senior management
¥ Provide ongoing guidance during to implementation teams, as requested
Project Team
¥ Participate in the development of implementation
¥ Establish and co-ordinate implementation teams
Other Council Employees
¥ Participate in implementation teams for specific work packages, as requested

G.     Project schedule

Exhibit IV-6 provides an overview of the project schedule. It identifies the anticipated time-frame for each of the major phases of the project. Assuming a project start date of December 20, 2016, we expect to complete the project by mid-March 2017.

Exhibit IV-6

Project Schedule

EXA2_10 Project Schedule.PNG

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