Tuesday, June 27, 2017

BPI Critical Success Factors -Example

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

BPI Critical Success Factors -Example

Example #1

Example #2

This is an example of how a confirmed business vision and customer requirements are translated into the critical success factors for a Human Resources Department at a fictitious company called “Sytek”.

Our mandate

  •     The SYTEK Human Resources unit exists to:   
    • “Enable” line managers to manage their human resources in a manner that supports the attainment of their operational objectives while meeting SYTEK's overall strategic goals.
    • Provide advice, counsel and recommendations to senior management and line managers on all man resource management issues.
    • Develop, implement and monitor HR systems, policies and processes that deal with the full range of human resources management issues.   
    • Provide compliance reporting to meet legislative requirements, union contracts, etc.   

Our major clients include:   

  • SYTEK's senior management team                
    • All line managers across the organization
    • SYTEK employees and retirees.   
  • Our major stakeholders within and outside SYTEK are:   
    • Other SYTEK units such as Finance, Information Technology, Security.
    • Unions and employee groups
    • The federal and regional governments
    • Local communities
    • Consultants, lawyers, actuaries
    • Financial institutions
    • Insurance Carriers
    • Other companies   

Our clients’ critical service delivery requirements

  • Our clients require that we provide our services in a manner that is:        
    • fast       
    • accurate       
    • easy/user-friendly (without adding significantly to their workload)       
    • flexible   
    • cost-effective       
    • high quality (meeting the needs of the organization).   

Our critical success factors

  • To be successful in meeting our mandate and our client's service requirements we, the Human Resources unit must:   
    • Clearly understand the business needs of our clients.   
    • Develop simple processes and policies.   
    • Make full use of existing technology to provide managers and employees in all locations with easy, secured access to comprehensive and HR information that is relevant to their needs.        
    • Transfer expertise/knowledge on HR matters.       
    • Maintain a high-level of technical competency and remain at the forefront of speciality areas.   
    • Maintain effective relationships/lines of communications with our clients and major     partners/stakeholders.            
This is an example of how a confirmed business vision and customer requirements are translated into the critical success factors for a Public Services Organization. The Public Services Organization is in the fictitious country of Mepos.

Example #3

Business Direction for the Mepos Public Council

This document presents the key elements of the Business Direction for the Public Council.
The purpose of confirming and communicating this Business Direction is to ensure that a consistent vision guides the simplification/redesign of the Council's grant decision-making processes. In this context, the grant decision-making processes encompass the seven streams in the Arts Division that are supported by the Council: Art Bank; Dance; Media Arts; Music; Theatre; Visual Arts; and, Writing and Publishing.

A.    Purpose of the Public Council

  • The mandate of the Public Council is to foster and promote study, enjoyment, and production of works in the arts.
  • The Public Council mission is to provide grants and services to the arts community in Mepos. This mission includes:
    • Promoting the enrichment and expansion of the arts in Mepos;
    • Assisting Mepos artists with their professional development, and with the creation, production and distribution of their work; and,       
    • Ensuring that Mepos artistic production is accessible to the largest possible number of Meposians.   
  • The Public Council maintains relationships with a diverse group of individuals and organizations. Key clients of the Council include:
    • Individual artists
    • Arts organizations
    • Other arts professionals in Mepos.
  • Major stakeholders of the Council are:   
    • Current/potential Jury members        
    • Mepos public   
    • Local-level organizations involved in arts funding   
    • Politicians, political interest groups and the media.

B.    Clients’ critical service delivery requirements

  • Our clients and stakeholders require that we implement straightforward, efficient and effective administrative processes in support of grant decision-making.

C.    Our Critical Success Factors

  • To be successful in meeting our mandate and our clients’ critical service requirements, we must:
    • Clearly understand the needs of our clients.   
    • Develop and maintain a competent and skilled workforce.   
    • Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of the Council, its clients and its stakeholders are clearly defined and communicated.

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