Tuesday, August 1, 2017

BPI Priority Opportunities – Examples

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

BPI Priority Opportunities – Examples

BPI Priority Opportunities - Focus Phase.png

Example #1:

Example #2:


This third section of the report presents the short- and longer-term opportunities to transform the Department of Organisation. Specifically, the opportunities have been categorized into three groups:
  • Re-engineering Opportunities: the dramatic changes that will radically alter the service delivery mechanisms of the Organisation, and enable significant improvements in Department of Organisation performance;
  • Quick Wins: These changes are typically within the control of the Organisation to implement, and are     meant to build momentum and support for the longer-term     re-engineering changes; and
  • Other Change Initiatives: changes that can not be implemented within the 'quick win'     timeframe, and/or are not specifically related to one of the key re-engineering opportunities.

Re-engineering Opportunities

Six key re-engineering opportunities have been identified. They are to:
  • Establish a Community Contact Service;
  • Create an Expert Response Service;
  • Enhance Targeted Work Allocation;
  • Implement a Partnership Management Program;
  • Build an Expanded Information Network; and
  • Develop Professional and Self-motivated Personnel.
These opportunities have been developed after extensive consultation, data collection and analysis with a wide range of individuals within and outside of the Department of Organisation. Based on the assessment of the current operations (presented in appendices A, B and C), identification of best practices in policing and other industries, and analysis of key change management issues, the six re-engineering opportunities form the basis for the radical transformation of the Department and move the organization toward its articulated business direction. The opportunities will have a significant redesign impact on all key components of service delivery including processes, technology, organizational structure, human resources, infrastructure, policies and, in some instances, legislation.
For each opportunity, we provide the following:
  • definition: a description of the change that is envisaged for the organization;
  • objectives: the goals that the change will achieve;
  • benefits: high-level description of the benefits to be achieved by implementing the     change. The benefits will be explored further, and linked to associated investment requirements, in the subsequent 'evaluation of options' exercise; and
  • enablers: the key catalysts that will allow the Organisation to deliver services in a dramatically different manner.
Where appropriate we have identified 'enabling options' that present the Department with alternative approaches to achieve the re-engineering opportunity. In most instances the enabling options are provided for technology-related enablers. The impact of the options on the benefits to be achieved will be further explored during the evaluation exercise. The initial enablers listed for each re-engineering opportunity will provide the Department with the greatest level of benefits. The enabling options, while resulting in a lower level of benefits, still move the organisation toward its articulated business direction.
The six re-engineering opportunities are presented in Exhibit 1 below. Two key principles in the development of these opportunities has been the need to increase the skill level of the entire organization, and the requirement to empower front-line officers and unsworn employees to ensure more accurate and timely decision-making. Empowerment includes not only the permission or authority to act, but must include the responsibility, accountabilities, tools and training required to effectively carry-out new authorities.
The diagram below has positioned the opportunities over the business model presented in the business direction report. This is to emphasize that the re-engineering opportunities, which are highly interdependent, are not process-specific changes but rather cut across the existing twenty processes.

Exhibit 1:     Re-engineering Opportunities


Opportunity 1: Establish a community contact service


The first re-engineering opportunity addresses the 'front-end' of service provision, namely from the point where information is obtained or received from the community to the initiation of appropriate action. The opportunity is to integrate the current public enquiries, switchboard and radio dispatch functions into a service that can receive information, record relevant data, analyse and provide an immediate resolution, or initiate immediate effective action.


The objectives of establishing a Community Contact Service include:
  • To provide a consistent and high standard of service irrespective of the method of access     (phone, walk-in, mail, fax, etc.) or location;
  • To provide ready 'one-stop' access to quality information at the time required. Whether a     member of the community requests information from the Organisation, or a Organisation officer requires information to effectively resolve an issue, easy, convenient and timely access to relevant information will be     available when needed;
  • To immediately resolve issues or, if appropriate, initiate immediate appropriate action, including the dispatch of Organisation officers to an incident; and
  • To minimize 'pass-offs' in the     resolution of issues or the initiation of actions.


Benefits of this re-engineering opportunity include:
  • Improved utilization of Organisation department personnel through the appropriate use of civilians in community contact service roles;
  • The resolution of public enquiries in a quick, thorough and knowledgeable manner;
  • Reduced time to initiate effective action;
  • Improved Organisation readiness to respond effectively;
  • Increased community access to information;
  • Easier community access to the Organisation;
  • Improved management information;
  • Empowered employees; and
  • Improved community     satisfaction.


The key element of this re-engineering opportunity is a highly empowered and skilled front-end customer service role. The employee who receives the information must be in a position to extract the relevant data and effectively respond immediately, or to 'trigger' appropriate action. Enablers required for this opportunity are listed below.
  • Training: the employee who performs this community contact service role will require extensive training in areas such as:
  • communicating with the public;
  • technical systems (to retrieve required information); and
  • response models.
  • Incident Appropriate 'Response Models': tools to assist in ensuring effective responses will be required. These tools can act as 'decision-trees' to ensure that consistent and appropriate responses are made, and will address:
  • information to be collected for specific incidents;   
  • location of information     required to respond; and
  • appropriate action if immediate resolution is not appropriate or possible.
  • Integrated Systems and Communications: a key enabler of this opportunity will be access to quality and timely information to ensure appropriate and correct responses and actions. Within the Department, integrated systems will be required to access:
  • human resource information;   
  • financial information;   
  • fleet management information; and
  • 'core policing' information related to investigations, prosecutions, community     relations, etc.        
  • Access will also be required to external information sources, including other State agencies and departments, local government databases, federal government bodies,     and other Organisation organizations.
  • An integrated Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system will allow for appropriate dispatch of Organisation officers to incidents, and can provide the officers with incident-specific information and therefore better response readiness. The system can display responding vehicle locations, provide incident locations, identify most appropriate routes, etc.     Specific components to enable this opportunity include:
    • geographic information system (GIS): an electronic 'map' that will be available on screen. GIS is in use in many industries, and, Complementary Departments     is well advanced in preparation of map information. It is likely that this technology would be     shared with other government departments and agencies, as well as private companies.
    • global positioning system (GPS): linked with the GIS, this technology will locate and     track the deployment of Organisation resources.
  • CAD systems can be used to automatically match and prioritize details with     appropriately located, skilled and equipped resources. The system generated 'recommended response' would be subject to manual override for special occasions. The system will also provide information on     the location of critical resources and incidents, necessary for effective management decision-making. The CAD system would also     capture 'real-time' critical incident/response information for analysis and report generation. CAD would not replace the need for voice communication, but rather augment the response capability of     the Department.

Enabling Options:

  • Computer-Aided Dispatch systems comprise advanced technologies that are readily available in the marketplace and in use in emergency services, including Organisation     departments, worldwide . Alternatives include:
    • use of existing voice dispatch capabilities, where the individual located in the station     can verbally communicate relevant information to responding     officers;
    • use of simple character-based mobile data terminals where officers can record     their location at key time intervals similar to the approach currently adopted by taxi services.    
  • Expert Advice: access will be     required for some enquiries and incidents to experienced Organisation employees who can bring their expertise and judgement on the appropriate response. Immediate access to appropriate individuals and/or expert system 'advisors' will be required.
  • Mechanisms to facilitate the provision and obtaining of information by the community. This could include:
      • A single, statewide telephone number to contact the Organisation, with appropriate re-routing capabilities. This would include the utilization of technology such as Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) and Voice Recognition Units (VRU). These are effectively used today by many organizations to handle large volumes of calls from diverse locations (e.g., Airlines, Telecoms, etc.).
      • Direct lines to organisation facilities. These could be located at appropriate public areas; and
      • Information booths (staffed and/or unstaffed) located at malls, shopping centres, public areas, etc

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