Thursday, October 10, 2013

Phase 6 of the BPM Project Delivery Plan - Build

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

Phase 6 Build

The purpose of this phase is to construct and test all outputs of key components of the business solution.  Sub-project teams work in parallel to build an infrastructure capable of supporting  the “To-Be” processes.  Information technology systems are validated against initial requirements both from a technical and a user perspective.  All necessary support documentation is drafted or assembled in anticipation of the “go-live” implementation date.  Modifications/upgrades are made to physical facilities, and organisational programmes are put in place to help deal with a broad range of employee-oriented issues.
By the end of the Build phase, the organisation will have been shown a compelling demonstration of a working prototype of the business solution and will be able to confidently confirm the attainable benefits.  Senior management will have declared “We are ready to go live”.  Detailed implementation activities of  every sub-project will be known, and senior management will clearly comprehend their role during the upcoming Implement phase.
The Program Office monitors progress, risks and the quality of the multiple development sub-projects; coordinates the timing of implementation and organisational impacts; and establishes a mechanism for benefit-tracking.

Package Software Modifications

  1. Compile a list of modifications to the package software.
  2. Establish a “production and testing environment”.
  3. Develop software modifications (based on previously-defined specifications).

Custom Software Development

  1. Establish a “production and testing environment” for the development process.
  2. Build databases required for development.
  3. Develop/modify selected software.

Implementation Pilots

  1. Choose the locations for the Implementation Pilots.
  2. Design each pilot implementation.
  3. Undertake the Implementation Pilot.
  4. Summarise pilot implementation results to determine ramifications for implementation.

Information Technology Operations Guide

  1. Determine the requirements of the IT System Operations Manual.
  2. Draft individual procedures.
  3. Compile a draft IT System Operations Guide.
  4. Review guide with the appropriate decision-makers and revise, as appropriate.
  5. Test procedures with selected IT staff using the draft documentation.
  6. Finalise guide.

Process/User's Manual

  1. Design a structure for the Process/User’s Manual.
  2. Formulate individual procedures and compile a “strawman” (rough draft) manual.
  3. Review strawman with selected process stakeholders.
  4. Develop and compile the final version of the manual.  Test and revise, as appropriate.

Information Technology Testing

  1. Define type and phases of testing to occur during the system development lifecycle.
  2. Develop the plans for testing.
  3. Determine/assign testing responsibilities.
  4. Set up a special “test environment” to ensure that assessments can be “clean”.
  5. Conduct the IT tests, report and investigate “incidents” and repeat tests.
  6. Compile and evaluate final test results and obtain appropriate sign-offs.
  7. Tune performance of the IT system based on test results.

Position/Competency Profiles

  1. Review the Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities chart.
  2. Review detailed descriptions of the “To-Be” process to identify skill, experience, etc.
  3. Obtain and review work description benchmarks for various categories of personnel.
  4. Break down the Delineation of Roles and Responsibilities and identify competencies.
  5. Review draft profiles with a core project team member to ensure process alignment.
  6. Review draft Position/Competency Profiles to identify/eliminate gaps and overlaps .
  7. Obtain management feedback and approval.

Learning Strategy and Materials

  1. Develop guiding principles for the learning strategy.
  2. Group common competencies and identify patterns of needs across the organisation.
  3. Establish local teams to investigate the best solution to meet specific learning needs.
  4. Establish and publish clear statements on priority of learning needs and on budgets.
  5. Request that individuals/teams develop a project plan.
  6. Co-ordinate the development of the learning materials.
  7. Develop and finalise programs and materials.

Measurement System

  1. Identify the measure/metrics to be collected.
  2. Define collection frequency or timing of measures.
  3. Assign responsibility for the collection of performance data.
  4. Define tools to be used to collect performance data.
  5. Implement the performance measurement system.
  6. follow-up with a review of the implementation to ensure there were no problems.
  7. Identify  mechanism to reassess process measures over time.

Facility Layout/Construction

  1. Select site for new facility (or modified layout of an existing facility).
  2. Design the new facility.
  3. Construct the new facility.
  4. Initiate operations (or change the layout of the existing facility).
  5. Obtain sign-off from the client decision-maker as they take acceptance.

New/Revised Policies

  1. Obtain and review copies of existing policy text.
  2. Formulate a draft version of each new/changed policy.
  3. Review the draft text with one or more members of the core project team.
  4. Review all draft policies to identify and eliminate inadvertent gaps and overlaps.
  5. Develop an accompanying document that explains each policy change rationale.
  6. Obtain management feedback and approval.

Data Migration

  1. Build a data model and/or a data dictionary
  2. Determine the data to be converted
  3. Undertake a study of the availability and "integrity" of the data.
  4. Define a data conversion strategy.
  5. Undertake data conversion activities.  Collect, prepare and load start-up data.
  6. Conduct data conversion tests and obtain client acceptance.

Performance Support and Recognition

  1. Convene a task force to develop an integrated approach to Performance Support.
  2. Review related deliverables previously completed.
  3. Investigate Best Practice Comparisons in the area of performance management.
  4. Explore past history on how the organisation recognises productive behaviour.
  5. Develop a draft strategy, focusing on key principles and policies.
  6. Gain support for the strategy.
  7. Build the corporate and business-unit Performance Support and Recognition system.
  8. Manage the development of the Performance Support and Recognition systems.

 Acceptance Test

  1. Develop the Acceptance Test plans.
  2. Assign testing responsibilities.
  3. Set up a "clean environment" for conducting the tests.
  4. Conduct the Acceptance test.  Obtain sign-off from the User Manager.
  5. Obtain customer acceptance of Acceptance Test results and approval for roll-out.

Implementation Plans

  1. Define the implementation strategy
  2. Develop implementation plan
  3. Identify and gain management consensus on the specific responsibilities of sponsors.
  4. Review the Communication Plan, and modify as required.
  5. Develop mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing the progress of change activities.

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

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