Thursday, October 3, 2013

Phase 1 of the BPM Project Delivery Plan - Arouse

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

Phase 1 - Arouse

As a follow up on from the previous blog I will share with you more detail of  each phase in the BPM delivery plan. I might add that it is possible to start at any phase in the delivery. However I would recommend this phase is used to assess the commitment of the organisation. After Phase 1 the starting point within Delivery Plan is dependent on the Maturity of the organisation.

The case for Change is an important starting point as it enables the commitment from the organisations management to be assessed and for a continuous review of the project based on the outcomes of each phase of the plan.

The purpose of the Arouse phase is to bring the leader(s) of a client organization to the realisation that some kind of significant change is required.

The main output from this phase is the Case for Change, which outlines the necessity for “doing business differently”, by confronting the senior management with a compelling “snapshot” of the business dilemmas and emerging threats to survival and prosperity, currently facing the company.  The Arouse process is aimed at creating a climate of urgency and, with that, the impetus for change to occur. 

The Arouse phase ends when the Senior Management (and management team) acknowledges that the organisation needs to change, recognises potential but significant benefits and is prepared to initiate the required improvements.

Case for Change

1) Meet with CEO and other senior executives to discuss business issues.
2) Review company’s competitive position and key business problems.
3) Obtain agreement on who needs to be involved in the process.
4) Design a workshop to facilitate the development of a case for change.
5) Pre-interview a representative sample (at least) of the leadership team.
6) Conduct the workshop.
7) Debrief the leadership team.
8) Formalise the Case for Change and communicate it  throughout  the organisation.

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

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